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5828 E. Mockingbird Ln.

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School Contact Information


Mockingbird Elementary


5828 E. Mockingbird Ln.

Dallas, Texas 75206

Phone: 972-749-7200

Fax: 972-749-7201

Important Contact Information
After School Clubs  Ms. Robin Montemayor - 972-749-7200
Bullying Mrs. Zielinski - Counselor  972-749-7215
Cafeteria Mrs. Grant - Cafeteria Supervisor 972-749-7214
Coordinator (504) Mrs. Zielinski - Counselor  972-749-7215
Discipline Referrals/Concerns Mr. Goudy - Assistant Principal - KN, 1st, 2nd 972-749-7211
  Mrs. Meyers - Assistant Principal - 3rd, 4th, 5th 972-749-7206
Donations Mrs. Chandler - Office Manager 972-749-7203
Dual Language

Mrs. Adriana Gutierrez -

Mrs. Kimberly Diaz -

Enrollment/Withdrawals/Attendance Ms. Carbajal - CRC/Registrar 972-749-7223
Facility/Gym/Field Usage Mrs. Chandler - Office Manager 972-749-7203
Library Books Ms. H. Bennett - Library Liaison 972-749-7210
Local & State Testing Mr. Goudy - Assistant Principal (F&P, MAP, TxKEA, TELPAS) 972-749-7211
Local & State Testing Mrs. Meyers - Assistant Principal  (ACP, STAAR) 972-749-7206
Magnet School Applications Mrs. Zielinsk - Counselor  972-749-7215
Maintenance Mrs. Chandler - Office Manager 972-749-7203
Medication/Immunizations/Health Plans Ms. Johnson - School Nurse 972-749-7205
Physical Education (P.E./Athletics) Coach Jones 972-749-7217
School Bus Incidents Mr. Goudy - Assistant Principal - KN, 1st,2nd) 972-749-7211
School Bus Incidents Mrs. Meyers - Assistant Principal - 3rd, 4th, 5th 972-749-7206
School Lunch/Cafeteria Cleanliness Mrs. Grant - Cafeteria Supervisor 972-749-7214
Speech Pathologist - Deaf Ed Ms. Wong 972-749-7220
Speech Pathologist - Gen Ed Ms. Villescas 972-794-7195
Staff Concerns Mrs. Huff - Principal 972-749-7200
Student Support Team (SST) Mr. Goudy - Assistant Principal - KN, 1st,2nd) 972-749-7211
Student Support Team (SST) Mrs. Meyers - Assistant Principal - 3rd, 4th, 5th 972-749-7206
Talented and Gifted (TAG) Mrs. Fencel - TAG Teacher 972-749-7200
Transfers (Hardship/Curriculum) Apply On Line choose
Volunteering Mrs. Tapia - Office Clerk 972-749-7202
Mrs. Chandler - Office Manager 972-749-7203
YMCA Aftercare Ms. Lori Berry 469-585-6863