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Academic Information
Mockingbird Elementary School provides a full curriculum which includes the following required subjects: reading, language arts, math, science, physical education, social studies, library, computer science, music, and art. Also offered are sign language, choir, band, a 20,000 square foot outdoor science lab, the talented and gifted program (TAG) and student council.
Extra curricular programs include Chess, Karate, Academic UIL, Destination Imagination, Garden Club, Math Team, Book Clubs, Show Choir, Basketball, Soccer, Track and Field, Lone Star Challenge, Student Council, Safety Patrol, Coop Troop, Scouting, Recycling Team, Deaf. Ed. Library Helpers, American Sign Language Club, Tutoring, Spanish, Robotics, Math Club, and the popular Every Child A Reader Program.
Deaf Education
Deaf students who are taught in the general education classrooms, receive the same TEKS-based instruction as their hearing peers. Accommodations, as determined by the ARD committee, are provided so that the student can be successful in that setting. A sign language interpreter is provided if the child's primary language is sign language.
Students in self contained classes are taught using total communication, by highly qualified instructors, using research-based programs. Although instruction is TEKS-based, it is individualized for each child's ability level. In addition, teachers in self-contained classes utilize a social skills program to help students reach their maximum potential.
The focus of the Talented and Gifted program is to implement, maintain and support a variety of instructional strategies that address the four core academic areas (math, language arts/reading, science, and social studies). In addition, leadership opportunities, the arts, and creative areas of giftedness are integrated within the academic program. Each of these areas provides a part of the framework for moving towards the achievement of exemplary status under the Texas State Plan for the Education of Talented/Gifted Students. Services are provided to ensure the compliance of the Dallas Independent School District with all applicable national, state and District guidelines and mandates.
STAAR and Terra-Nova
Students in grades 3rd, 4th and 5th are assessed of their knowledge of the TEKS by the use of the STAAR test. These assessments are conducted in the spring of each school year.
If you need more STAAR information please click on the TEA link for students and parents. Specific testing dates for the school year will be posted on the calendar section of this website.