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Attendance Policy and Pledge
Campus Attendance Policy
am Campus admission, supervision, and Breakfast in the Cafeteria
8:00 am - Instruction begins - students are considered tardy if not in the classroom by this time
8:01 am - Tardy - students must come to front office for a pass
8:21 am - Partial Day Absence excusable with official HealthCare note
2:30 pm - Early student release ends
3:20 pm - Dismissal
Absence - A student with a late arrival/early release (missing 20 minutes or more) or missing a full day of instruction will be coded as absent/partial day absence. An official healthcare note will update the student's attendance for the time lost.
Email CRC ( with an Official Document or Parent Note with the following information:
- Student's name
- Teacher's name
- Reason for absence
- Date(s) of absence
- Parent contact number and or email
Submit documentation within 3 days of absence.
Justified Absences
- Illness - parent note will cover up to 5 consecutive days per policy
- Medical/Dental Appointment - healthcare/dental note required
- Educational Appointments - documentation from educational facility required
- Death in Family - service documentation - 3 days permitted by policy
- Observance of Holy Day - indication of Holy Day required
3 or more unexcused absences will trigger the Dallas ISD Truancy Department correspondence via letters, e-mail, and/or phone
Attendance for Credit: According to Texas State law, each student must be in attendance 90% of the days the class is offered. The implementation of the Attendance for Credit Initiative is to ensure all students are in attendance 90% of the time a class is offered to certify successful accrual of final grade.
Texas Compulsory Attendance Law-Official Notice and General Attendance Agreement Pledge
Per state mandate, our district must provide parents with the Texas Compulsory Attendance Law-Official Notice.
The state also mandates our district to request that parents/guardians complete and sign the General Attendance Agreement Pledge. The pledge is to be submitted to the campus as soon as possible. Please feel free to email the Pledge to Ms.Carbajal at in the Office of Attendance at Mockingbird Elementary.