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General Information
At Mockingbird, parents count! Come to our school, meet us, talk to us, and volunteer your time and energy. Your involvement will show your children that you value their education.
Brief Overview of Our School
Mockingbird Elementary was opened on September 12, 1939. Mockingbird is a two-story brick structure with a one-story wing, a two- story wing opened in 2018, and twelve portable buildings. It stands as a landmark on Mockingbird Lane between Matilda and Delmar Streets and is an essential part of the community in East Dallas. The structure and surrounding grounds reflect the caring attitude of the community. This unique school, which is over eighty years old, enjoys a lot of community support for our programs, the staff and, most importantly, for the students. The endeavor for academic excellence, which has been documented by standardized test scores, Honor Roll awards, and academic achievements of former students, is a cooperative effort of the teachers, staff, parents and the students themselves. Another contributing factor to the uniqueness of Mockingbird Elementary is the diversity of cultures. Approximately 54% of the students are Anglo, 6% are African-American, 29% are Hispanic, 6% are Asian, and 5% Multi-Race. Approximately 10% of our students are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, part of the Dallas Regional School for the Deaf which has been a part of the Mockingbird family since the late 1950s.The blending of all of these cultures embodies the school motto “Friendship”, which is usually accompanied by a picture of the sign for “friendship” or “I love you”. Our school has received national recognition by having been one of the two first Dallas ISD schools to receive the coveted National Blue Ribbon award (1998-1999). This process further exemplifies a cooperation of the community and the desire for excellence, which combine to create a successful learning experience for the students of Mockingbird.
Dallas Regional Day School for the Deaf
The Dallas Regional Day School for the Deaf is an integral part of our Mockingbird community. Deaf children in Kindergarten through fifth grade come from all areas of Dallas and surrounding communities to Mockingbird. We offer a variety of instructional arrangements, from full inclusion to self-contained, in order to meet the needs of each child and provide them with a comprehensive educational program. Sign language interpreters are utilized in all inclusive settings, including extra-curricular activities. Self-contained class sizes range from four to ten students with one teacher, allowing for individualized instruction.
Mockingbird Elementary Accomplishments
Mockingbird was opened on September 13, 1939. The tradition of excellence and the diversity of cultures makes an education at Mockingbird a unique learning experience. Over the years, faculty and staff have received DISD annual awards for their teaching, staff and administrative functions. It is a source of pride for the Dallas Independent School District and has received many awards:
- 2022 - DISD Master Principal, Mrs. Margaret Huff
- 2018-2019 DISD Master Principal, Ms. Melanie Mans
- 2019-2020 DISD Master Principal, Ms. Melanie Mans
- Governor's Certificate for Outstanding Performance
- 2022 TEA Accountability Rating: B
- TEA Met Standard with Distinctions 2016 - 2019
- Texas Scholar Honor Roll School - 2016
- National Blue Ribbon School - 1998 - 1999, one of the first campuses in DISD to be recognized
- TEA Exemplary School - 1998 - 2002, 2007
- TEA Recognized School - 2003 - 2006
- TEA Texas Successful School Award 1992, 1995
- Redbook Magazine Top 100 Outstanding School Award - 1995