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Lunchroom Info

Want to Eat Lunch With Your Child?  Lunchroom visits and volunteering do not begin until after the first 6 weeks of school to allow students and staff to set cafeteria expectations and protocols; it usually starts the first Monday in October.  There will be notification via the Principal's weekly letter and on the PTA weekly newsblast once this begins. Visitors may come on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays: please arrive 10 minutes early and sign in at the Main Office. Food from outside sources may be brought for your child only.

Can I bring my other children with me?   We ask that you do not bring other children with you when you come to eat or volunteer. We have limited seating in some lunch periods and it will be hard to monitor children while assisting students.

Want to Volunteer to Help in the Cafeteria?  - Be sure to complete your DISD Voly Training under the Volunteer tab on the DISD website, then sign up via the Sign Up Genius on the Mockingbird PTA website. Please arrive 10 - 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time to sign in at the Main Office. Please do not bring food from outside sources for your child on days you are volunteering. We ask that you do not sit with your child on those days and assist all students during your scheduled volunteer time slot. Cafeteria volunteer opportunities will only be available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Can I Bring My Child Lunch? -  Any forgotten lunches must be brought to the Office before 10:00 am otherwise they will not be accepted. We will not accept food from outside sources such as food delivery services, nor can the parent bring food from restaurants unless it is when they are eating with their child on the above allowable days. If you are volunteering to help in the Cafeteria you should not bring food from outside sources for your child; that is a treat for when specifically eating with your child. 

What if My Child Forgot Their Lunch and I Missed the Deadline? - DISD does not charge for lunches; the student will go through the lunch line.

What if I Come on the Wrong Day to Eat Lunch and Brought My Child Lunch? - Sadly, lunch will not be accepted; your child will have to go through the lunch line.

Where Can we Eat Lunch With Our Child? - As of now, due to the District security guidelines, we are only allowing lunches to be eaten in the Cafeteria.